What We Do
The American Climbing Project addresses social, ethical, and practical topics in the rock climbing industry, in the hopes of building a healthier, more inclusive climbing culture. The podcast & blog both aim to reflect the voice of the climbing community through humor and candid conversation, with the consistent goal of promoting healthy dialogue with differing opinions & perspectives.
The American Climbing Project was named very intentionally; it’s a project, and we can’t do it alone. We’re dedicated to making sure this podcast is not only the best quality climbing podcast in the market (PERIOD), but also to creating the maximum positive impact in our sport, and amplifying the stories that too often get lost in the typical translation of climbing media.
The podcast will be released in mixtapes focused on a specific theme, featuring skits, in-depth interviews, and deep dives into episodes from the past and future.
The first Mixtape is on Race & Racism in Climbing.

Who We Are
Devin Dabney is a professional rapper, music producer, freelance writer, routesetter, climbing coach, and fervent advocate for collective liberation. He also can probably kick your ass in Super Smash Bros.
Rob Moore is a recovering rock climber. He lives in Maine.
Like what you’re hearing?
The American Climbing Project is listener-supported and we rely on you to help us keep having these interesting conversations.
Your support lets us talk to more people, write more skits, and spend more time sharing stories.
Please consider supporting us.
For a recurring donation, you’ll become a member, with access to exclusive content like the complete, unedited interviews, bonus sketches, skits, and audio tracks.
There’s a whole lot more we can’t wait to share with you, so please, if you can, become a member and support us today.